Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Killing of Gays as a Biblical Mandate

"Faith for All of Life" is the official publication of Chalcedon, the education agency for the Reconstruction movement. The latest issue (Nov. /Dec. 2007 pg. 2) carries an article from Mark Rushdoony, the son of the famous founder. Founder R. J. Rushdoony was highlighted in the issue reminding readers the movement must not move away from the doctrines of its originator. Quoting Mark on his father we read;
"I remember once when he commented on the horror with which his observation on INSTITUTES OF BIBLICAL LAW I that homosexuality was a moral abomination before God deserving of a death sentence was received. His critics always referred to this as what 'Rushdoony advocates' or what 'Rushdoony believes.' His comment was 'I was writing about what the Bible said. What did they expect me to write?'
Anyone who doubts the movement advocates killing abortion providers or gays hasn't been paying attention.